Is it time to tame your tax return? (ignore if already completed your 2016 tax return)

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A story about clients that who wait until the last minute to provide tax records:

“Most tax practices have clients who delay supplying tax compliance information until a few days before the deadline. There are several reasons for this, including reluctance to engage with taxpayer responsibilities, lack of organisational skills, unavailability of ready funds, fear of HMRC, or perhaps just ‘ostrich’ syndrome.

As practitioners, we remind, cajole, encourage, plead and admonish such clients. When we are successful, perhaps we think how lucky clients are to have us, watching their backs with HMRC.”

All too true.  If you would like us to prepare your 2016 tax return now is the time to send us your tax records for the year if you haven’t already done so.

As with all of our tax tips and web pages this information is necessarily summarised and of a general nature.  If you would like detailed specific advice please contact us.