ShareFile – secure on-line storage of all documents we prepare for you
All work we prepare for you are stored and accessible 24-7 on our on-line secure ShareFile system (by Citrix).
Please read our introduction to ShareFile here.
Clients can log in here:
KashFlow – our online bookkeeping system
KashFlow is an easy to use, no jargon, fully functioning online bookkeeping system.
Clients can log in here:

Xero – online bookkeeping system
We are a Xero Bronze Partner and have fully certified Xero advisers available to help you whenever you need it.
Clients can log in here
Please see our factsheet for a range of freely available Xero training videos.
Please use the following forms to send us information:
New Joiners
- Please provide your company details by completing the spreadsheet here and returning this to us.
- Please provide your personal details by completing the spreadsheet here and returning this to us.
- New Company – For us to form a company please complete the spreadsheet here and return this to us.
- PAYE Scheme – For us to set up a PAYE scheme please complete the spreadsheet here and return this to us.
- VAT – For us to register you for VAT please complete the spreadsheet here and return this to us.
- If you have a new employee joining without a P45 please complete the form here.
Company Accounts
- To complete our year end questionnaire for your company accounts please click here.
Personal Tax
- To submit your information relating to your personal tax return for 2017-18 please click here.