Please provide the following documents for each income type that you have:

Employment income – P60/P45 and P11D if applicable

Letting income – summary spreadsheet of income and expenditure

Dividends – summary of dividends received

Bank interest – summary spreadsheet or copies of interest received statements

Other investment income – investment portfolios or other paperwork

Pension received – pension providers yearly summary/statement

Pension contributions made – scheme provider and scheme number

Child benefit received – amount received by you or your partner

Foreign income – breakdown of income received including any tax paid, payslips if employment

Capital gains – summary of income received

State benefits – breakdown of types of benefit received and if any tax was paid


Sole Trade Checklist

Details of transactions needed for each year up to 5 April:

  • All transactions relating to the trade recorded within in a bookkeeping system or our bookkeeping spreadsheet
  • All business transactions recorded in your business bank account
  • There is no need to record any private transactions in your bookkeeping.
  • Other business transactions not paid through the business bank (e.g. paid in cash) must also be recorded (e.g. as “proprietor expenses”).
  • All sales made during the year must be recorded on a “Sales Invoices” list.
  • All fixed assets (e.g. computer) used in your business must be recorded on a “Fixed Assets” list. Private use percentages of those fixed assets should be recorded on that list.
  • Contra deals or barter transactions made during the year must be included in your bookkeeping. Contra items are an arrangement between two parties who exchange goods or services without any cash changing hands. Barter transactions are goods or services supplied in return for consideration other than money.
  • Travel expenses recorded in your bookkeeping should not include commuting costs.
  • Use Of Home As Office: average hours per week worked at home, home cost and number of people these costs are shared between.
  • Details of any business mileage including date, destination, purpose, who visiting and miles of trip.

Details of balances needed as at 5 April each year:

  • Stock held (if any).
  • Amounts owed from your customers.
  • Are any of the debtors outstanding considered bad debts?
  • Work completed but not yet invoiced at the year end. Where appropriate provide the value of the invoice and the percentage that the work that was completed at the year end.
  • Work invoiced but not yet completed at the year end. Where appropriate provide details of the percentage of the work done at the year end.
  • Amounts owed to suppliers at the year end.
  • A list of purchase invoices received after the year end for goods or services received during the year (accrued expenses).
  • A list of any expenditure paid in advance of usage at the year end (prepaid expenditure). An example of this would be rent paid quarterly in advance but the quarter had not yet
    ended at the year end.